//LispKit Lisp Highlighter file // By Derek Newhall (derek_newhall@yahoo.com) // LispKit Lisp is the LISP dialect used by Peter Henderson in his book // "Functional Programming: Application and Implementation", 1980, // Prentice Hall (ISBN 0-13-331579-7) // See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lispkit_Lisp for more info and examples. Language: LispKit Lisp Description: LispKit Lisp highlighter by D. Newhall (derek_newhall@yahoo.com). LispKit Lisp is the LISP dialect used by Peter Henderson in his book "Functional Programming: Application and Implementation". See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lispkit_Lisp for more info and examples. Filter: LispKit Lisp files (*.lks)|*.lks CaseSensitive: 0 //Not entirely sure about this LineComment: ; IdentifierBegChars: a..z A..Z _ IdentifierChars: a..z A..Z _ 0..9 NumConstBegChars: 0..9 KeyWords1: LETREC LET LAMBDA ADD SUB MUL DIV REM QUOTE ATOM EQ LEQ IF CONS CAR CDR KeyWords2: T N NIL //NEGATIVE is possibly one of these constants too. KeyWords3: & KeyWords4: KeyWords5: UsePreprocessor: 0 CurrLineHighlighted: 1 SpaceCol: clWindowText clWindow Keyword1Col: $00C00000 clWindow B Keyword2Col: $0000C000 clWindow B IdentifierCol: clWindowText clWindow CommentCol: clGray clWindow I NumberCol: $0000C000 clWindow B SymbolCol: clPurple clWindow B SelectionCol: clWhite clNavy CurrentLineCol: clBlack $00E7EDD8 OverrideTxtFgColor: 0 BlockAutoindent: 0 MatchedBracesCol: clRed clWindow HelpFile: BlockBegStr: BlockEndStr: Keyword3Col: clPurple clWindow B Keyword4Col: clWindowText clWindow Keyword5Col: clWindowText clWindow StringCol: clWindowText clWindow PreprocessorCol: clWindowText clWindow