//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Rapid Highlighter written by Peter Maudlin, pmaudlin@cadillaccasting.com // // V0.3 27 JAN 08 // // // // I'll think of something catchy to say when I find the time to think of it. // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Language: Rapid Highlighter Description: Rapid Highlighter highlighter written by Peter Maudlin, pmaudlin@cadillacasting.com Filter: Highlighter files (*.prg)|*.prg HelpFile: CaseSensitive: 0 LineComment: ! BlockCommentBeg: BlockCommentEnd: IdentifierBegChars: a..z A..Z IdentifierChars: a..z A..Z 0..9 NumConstBegChars: 0..9 NumConstChars: 0..9 . EscapeChar: // GENERIC PROGRAMMING COMMANDS KeyWords1: AND DO BREAK ACos ASin ATan ATan2 ELSE ELSEIF ENDFOR ENDIF Tan Sin Cos ENDWHILE ERROR EXITFOR FROM EXIT GOTO IF INOUT LOCAL MOD NOSTEPIN NOT OR RAISE READONLY RETRY RETURN STEP SYSMODULE THEN TO TRYNEXT STOP WHILE XOR WaitTime SQRT ROUND POW ADD INCR DECR // CODE DELIMITING KeyWords2: MODULE PROC VAR CONST PERS ENDPROC ENDTRAP TRAP ENDMODULE ENDFUNC FUNC DDN RDN PAR ALT DIM SMT EIT CSE EXP ARG ID // TEACH PENDANT COMMANDS & DATATYPES KeyWords3: TPERASE TPWRITE TPReadFK TPReadNum TRUE FALSE num robtarget pos string intnum tooldata bool jointtarget speeddata wobjdata clock robjoint // MOTION COMMANDS & NESTING COMMANDS KeyWords4: MoveJ MoveC MoveL MoveABSJ GRIPLOAD ACCSET TEST CASE DEFAULT Offs StopMove ENDTEST // IO COMMANDS KeyWords5: RESET SET SETGO ISLEEP ITRIGG ISignalDI CONNECT WITH WAITDI CLKSTOP CLKSTART CLKRESET TESTDI ClkRead DOutput GOutput CPos CRobT SetDO ResetDO Clear StringBegChar: " StringEndChar: " SymbolBegChar: < SymbolEndChar: > MultilineStrings: 0 UsePreprocessor: 0 CurrLineHighlighted: 1 SpaceCol: clWindowText clWindow IdentifierCol: clWindowText clWindow CommentCol: clGray clYellow NumberCol: clWindowText clWindow StringCol: $0000C000 clWindow SymbolCol: clWindowText clWindow PreprocessorCol: clOlive clWindow SelectionCol: clWhite $00C00000 CurrentLineCol: clBlack $00D1FCFC OverrideTxtFgColor: 0 BlockAutoindent: 0 BlockBegStr: BlockEndStr: Keyword1Col: clBlue clWindow Keyword2Col: clNavy clWindow Keyword3Col: clOlive clWindow Keyword4Col: clRed clWindow Keyword5Col: clMaroon clWindow MatchedBracesCol: $004040FF clWhite