//////////////////////////// // // BLOC - Basic Like Object Compiler // (c) 2003 // http://bloc.arachnoware.com // Support: // http://forums.arachnoware.com // (c) arachnoWare Inc., 1996 - 2003 // //////////////////////////// Language: BLOC Compiler Filter: BLOC Compiler file (*.blc,*.bli)|*.blc;*.bli HelpFile: CaseSensitive: 0 LineComment: ' BlockCommentBeg: { BlockCommentEnd: } IdentifierBegChars: a..z A..Z _ $ IdentifierChars: a..z A..Z 0..9 _ NumConstBegChars: 0..9 NumConstChars: 0..9 abcdefx. EscapeChar: // keywords KeyWords1: Cls Dim Var Print Input Rem Const As At Pos Pause Delay TextColor TextBGColor DefTYpe PType PROCEDURALTYPE Chr Open Output Read Write Mode Try Except Finally Addr AddrOf Asc Close CurDir Eof Line $COMPILE $COMPRESS $BLOCPATH Result Ptr New Free TextWin Window True False Cursor CursorOn CursorOff Global Goto Inc Incr Dec Decr UsePascal End KeyPress WaitKey To Type GotoXY Locate Inkey ReadKey ClrScr ClearScreen Div Div2 Len Length For Next Downto While Wend REMESP REMESPI REMESPD Append Save TRIM RTRIM LTRIM RIGHT LEFT MID RPOS LEN UCASE LCASE Continue LIMPFDL CLREOL BYTESDE SISEOF EOL ENUM Exit Command ParamStr ParamCount Val Abs Date Time USEP USEPASCAL ENDP ENDPASCAL ARCTAN COS EXP HI SUP LO INF INT ENT LOG LN PI POWER RANDOM RND ROUND SIN SQRT SQR SWAP TRUNC HEXSTR HEX BINSTR BIN MKDIR MAKEDIR MD RD RMDIR REMOVEDIR LOCAL RUNERROR RANDOMIZE ENVCOUNT ENVSTR ENVIRON DISKSIZE DISKFREE SHELL SYSTEM DELLINE REMOVELINE INSLINE INSERTLINE FILEEXISTS EXISTS RENFILE RENAMEFILE REN DELFILE CD CHDIR CHANGEDIR $LIBRARY STDCall Export $APPTYPE EXTFILEDIR EXTRACTDIR EXTFILEPATH EXTRACTPATH CHFEXT CHANGEEXTENSION EXTFILENAME EXTRACTNAME EXTFILEDRIVE EXTRACTDRIVE EXTEXT EXTRACTFILEEXTENSION Sub Procedure Function Declare If Then Else ElseIf Or And Not XOR SHL SHR ASSIGNED SETCODEFILE UNSETCODEFILE PASCAL cgi_get_value cgi_get_nextvalue cgi_set_content Create DTDRead XMLRead Del Delete STRTOPCHAR PCHARTOSTR PCHARLSCAN PCHARSCAN PCHARPOS PCHARLCASE PCHARUCASE PCHARLEN PCHAREND PCHARMOVE PCHARCOPYX PCHARCOPY PCHARICCOMP PCHARCOMP PCHARJOINX PCHARJOIN ByRef ByVal Packed Str Instr Class Private Public Protected Constructor Destructor Extends Inherited Property Set Nothing // functions KeyWords2: $library $include // Opciones CGI_HTTP_USERAGENT cgi_http_request_method cgi_http_referer cgi_http_remote cgi_http_url Caption Width Height OnMouseDown OnMouseUp OnMouseMove Position Visible WindowState Color FormStyle ParentFont BorderStyle ActiveControl AutoSize Cursor Text TabOrder TabStop Font Size Name Pitch Size FormState Hint Top Left OnShow OnResize OnClick OnDblClick OnHide OnCreate OnWindowStateChange OnCloseQuery OnPaint OnEnter OnExit OnKeyPress OnKeyDown OnKeyUp OnChange OnClose OnActivate OnDesactivate Funcs Types Vars Consts Protos Main Labels Subs // Var Types Structs, etc KeyWords3: String Integer Boolean Long Bool Char Double Byte Float Real AnsiString AString PCHar DWord Word LPSTRZ LPVOID HANDLE THANDLE Pointer File Text BLCDOMDOCUMENT BLCDOMNODE Cardinal File Windows Strings CRT SysUtils Sockets Math GUI DOS CONSOLE CGI BLCFORM BLCBUTTON BLCEDIT BLCLABEL Black Blue Green Cyan Red Magenta Brown LightGray DarkGray LightBlue LightGreen LightCyan LightRed LightMagenta Yellow White Blink On Off podefaultposonly podefaultsizeonly podesigned podesktopcenter pomainformcenter poownerformcenter poscreencenter poDefault wsMaximized wsMinimized wsNormal clBlack clMaroon clGreen clOlive clNavy clPurple clTeal clGray clSilver clRed clLime clYellow clBlue clFuchsia clAqua clWhite clScrollBar clBackground clActiveCaption clInactiveCaption clMenu clWindow clWindowFrame clMenuText clWindowText clCaptionText clActiveBorder clInactiveBorder clAppWorkSpace clHighlight clHighlightText clBtnFace clBtnShadow clGrayText clBtnText clInactiveCaptionText clBtnHighlight cl3DDkShadow cl3DLight clInfoText clInfoBk clNone crAppStart crArrow crCross crDefault crDrag crHandPoint crHelp crHourGlass crHSplit crIBeam crMultiDrag crNo crNoDrop crSizeAll crSizeNESW crSizeNS crSizeNWSE crSizeWE crSQLWait crUpArrow crVSplit bsNone bssingle bssizeable bstoolwindow bssizetoolwin fsmdichild fsmdiform fsnormal fsstayontop BTPXMLDocument BTPDomNode StringBegChar: " StringEndChar: " MultilineStrings: 0 UsePreprocessor: 1 CurrLineHighlighted: 1 SpaceCol: clWindowText clWindow Keyword1Col: clBlue clWindow Keyword2Col: $880000 clWindow Keyword3Col: $ff6600 clWindow IdentifierCol: clBlack clWindow CommentCol: $0066FF clWindow NumberCol: $000099 clWindow StringCol: $008800 clWindow SymbolCol: $000099 clWindow PreprocessorCol: $9900FF clWindow SelectionCol: clGray $00C0C0FF CurrentLineCol: clBlack $FAFAFA OverrideTxtFgColor: 0 BlockAutoindent: 0 BlockBegStr: BlockEndStr: MatchedBracesCol: clRed clWindow