////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLIPS 6.0 highlighter written by Michal Sankot, sankotm@fel.cvut.cz, 2002 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Language: CLIPS Filter: CLIPS files (*.clp)|*.clp HelpFile: CaseSensitive: 0 LineComment: ; BlockCommentBeg: BlockCommentEnd: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // identifier characters IdentifierBegChars: ? $ a..z A..Z + - * / < > = IdentifierChars: a..z A..Z _ - 0..9 ? $ NumConstBegChars: 0..9 NumConstChars: 0..9 EscapeChar: // definition statements KeyWords1: defclass-module deffacts-module deffunction-module defgeneric-module defglobal-module definstances-module defrule-module deftemplate-module defclass deffacts deffunction defgeneric defmethod defglobal definstances defmessage-handler defmodule defrule deftemplate ppdefclass ppdeffacts ppdeffunction ppdefgeneric ppdefglobal ppdefinstances ppdefmessage-handler ppdefmethod ppdefmodule ppdefrule ppdeftemplate ppinstance undefclass undeffacts undeffunction undefgeneric undefglobal undefinstances undefmessage-handler undefmethod undefrule undeftemplate unmake-instance // mathematical symbols KeyWords2: - != * ** / + < <= <> = > >= // other keywords KeyWords3: do default abs acos acosh acot acoth acsc acsch and asec asech asin asinh atan atanh cos cosh cot coth csc csch deg-grad deg-rad div evenp eq exp false grad-deg log log10 max min mod neq oddp or pi rad-deg random round sec sech seed sin sinh sqrt tan tanh true case if then else not switch active-duplicate-instance active-initialize-instance active-make-instance active-message-duplicate-instance active-message-modify-instance active-modify-instance agenda any-instancep apropos assert assert-string batch bind bload bload-instances break browse-classes bsave bsave-instances build call-next-handler call-next-method call-specific-method class class-abstractp class-existp class-reactivep class-slots class-subclasses class-superclasses clear clear-focus-stack close conserve-mem constructs-to-c create$ delayed-do-for-all-instances delete$ delete-instance dependencies dependents describe-class direct-mv-delete direct-mv-insert direct-mv-replace do-for-all-instances do-for-instance dribble-off dribble-on duplicate duplicate-instance duplicate-instance dynamic-get dynamic-put edit eval exit expand$ explode$ fact-index facts fetch find-all-instances find-instance first$ float floatp focus format gensym gensym* get get-auto-float-dividend get-current-module get-defclass-list get-deffacts-list get-deffunction-list get-defgeneric-list get-defglobal-list get-definstances-list get-defmessage-handler-list get-defmethod-list get-defmodule-list get-defrule-list get-deftemplate-list get-dynamic-constraint-checking get-fact-duplication get-focus get-focus-stack get-function-restrictions get-incremental-reset get-method-restrictions get-reset-globals get-salience-evaluation get-sequence-operator-recognition get-static-constraint-checking get-strategy halt help help-path implode$ init-slots initialize-instance initialize-instance insert$ instance-address instance-addressp instance-existp instance-name instance-name-to-symbol instance-namep instancep instances integer integerp length length$ lexemep list-defclasses list-deffacts list-deffunctions list-defgenerics list-defglobals list-definstances list-defmessage-handlers list-defmethods list-defmodules list-defrules list-deftemplates list-focus-stack list-watch-items load load-facts load-instances loop-for-count lowcase make-instance make-instance matches mem-requests mem-used member member$ message-duplicate-instance message-duplicate-instance message-handler-existp message-modify-instance message-modify-instance modify modify-instance modify-instance multifieldp mv-append mv-delete mv-replace mv-slot-delete mv-slot-insert mv-slot-replace mv-subseq next-handlerp next-methodp nth nth$ numberp object-pattern-match-delay open options override-next-handler override-next-method pointerp pop-focus preview-generic preview-send primitives-info print-region printout progn progn$ put read readline refresh refresh-agenda release-mem remove remove-break rename replace$ reset rest$ restore-instances retract return rule-complexity rules run save save-facts save-instances send sequencep set-auto-float-dividend set-break set-current-module set-dynamic-constraint-checking set-fact-duplication set-incremental-reset set-reset-globals set-salience-evaluation set-sequence-operator-recognition set-static-constraint-checking set-strategy setgen show-breaks show-defglobals show-fht show-fpn show-joins show-opn slot-allowed-values slot-cardinality slot-delete$ slot-direct-accessp slot-direct-delete$ slot-direct-insert$ slot-direct-replace$ slot-existp slot-facets slot-initablep slot-insert$ slot-publicp slot-range slot-replace$ slot-sources slot-types slot-writablep str-assert str-cat str-compare str-explode str-implode str-index str-length stringp sub-string subclassp subset subsetp subseq$ superclassp switch sym-cat symbol-to-instance-name symbolp system time toss type type unwatch upcase watch while wordp declare ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // string delimiter: StringBegChar - string begin char // StringEndChar - string end char // MultilineStrings - enables multiline strings, as perl // has it StringBegChar: " StringEndChar: " MultilineStrings: 0 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // use preprocessor: 0 - no // 1 - yes // note: if yes, '#' and statements after it will be // highlighted with Preprocessor defined colors UsePreprocessor: 0 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // highlight line: 0 - no // 1 - yes // note: if yes, current line will be highlighted CurrLineHighlighted: 0 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // colors // note: first value is foreground, second is background color // and third (optional) represents font attribute: // B - bold // I - italic // U - underline // S - strike out // attributes can be combined: eg. B or BI // as value, it could be used any standard windows color: // clBlack, clMaroon, clGreen, clOlive, clNavy, // clPurple, clTeal, clGray, clSilver, clRed, clLime, // clYellow, clBlue, clFuchsia, clAqua, clLtGray, // clDkGray, clWhite, clScrollBar, clBackground, // clActiveCaption, clInactiveCaption, clMenu, clWindow, // clWindowFrame, clMenuText, clWindowText, clCaptionText, // clActiveBorder, clInactiveBorder, clAppWorkSpace, // clHighlight, clHighlightText, clBtnFace, clBtnShadow, // clGrayText, clBtnText, clInactiveCaptionText, // clBtnHighlight, cl3DDkShadow, cl3DLight, clInfoText, // clInfoBk // as value, it could be used hex numeric constant too: // $BBGGRR - BB: blue, GG: green, RR: red, eg: $FF6A00 SpaceCol: clWindowText clWindow Keyword1Col: clPurple clWindow // defs Keyword2Col: clBlue clWindow // math Keyword3Col: clBlue clWindow B// others IdentifierCol: clBlack clWindow //Keyword2Col: clBlack clWindow // math //Keyword3Col: clBlack clWindow // others //IdentifierCol: clBlue clWindow //CommentCol: clTeal clWindow I CommentCol: clGray clWindow I NumberCol: clRed clWindow StringCol: clRed clWindow SymbolCol: clBlack clWindow PreprocessorCol: clBlue clWindow SelectionCol: clWhite clNavy CurrentLineCol: clBlack clYellow OverrideTxtFgColor: 0