////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Uniface PRO highlighter written by François Van de Weerdt // (francois.van-de-weerdt@cil-aiac.com) // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Language: PRO Filter: PRO files (*.pro) | *.pro HelpFile: CaseSensitive: 0 LineComment: ; BlockCommentBeg: BlockCommentEnd: IdentifierBegChars: a..z A..Z _ IdentifierChars: a..z A..Z _123456- NumConstBegChars: NumConstChars: 0..9 EscapeChar: $ KeyWords1: Trigger from Entity Field Form READ WRIT DELE DTLF LOCK LMK RETS RETR STOR CLR FGF ERAS EXEC NFLD AIO FMT DECR ACPT QUIT MNUS PULS UKYS WRUP LPMX DTLE OGF RMO LMO ERRE ERRF LPME SMOD PFLD LFLD VALC ID OCC status numeric string IN OUT INOUT NOBEEP APPEND INIT QUESTION INFO WARNING ERROR round fraction trunc // PRO fonctions KeyWords2: applname batch detachedinstances display gui ioprint keyboard language logical nls_sort_order nmforms password putmess result text textexist user variation web componentname componenttype entname fieldname instancechildren instancedb instancename instanceparent instances rettype char direction formdb formfocus formmodality formname formtitle printing prompt runmode selblk instancepath msgdata msgdst msgid msginfo msgsrc curhits curkey curocc entinfo foreign hits keycheck keyfields keytype occcheck occdel outer paintedocc relation selectlist storetype subsetreturn totkeys totocc curline curword fieldcheck fielddbvalue fieldindb fieldinfo fieldprofile fieldproperties fieldvalrep format properties valrep fielddbmod fieldendmod fieldmod formdbmod formmod instancedbmod instancemod keymod occdbmod occmod fieldvalidation instancevalidation keyvalidation occvalidation dberror dbocc totdbocc check disable hide empty framedepth lines next occdepth page previous totlines dataerrorcontext error procerror procerrorcontext status clock condition expression date datim number oprsys syntax time abs acos asin atan cos exp fact frac int log log10 pi power sin sqrt tan // Statement KeyWords3: // DBMS and transaction control: close commit open rollback //I/O control at component level: erase release retrieve store // DBMS I/O at occurrence level: delete lock read reload write //Component-level data and hitlist manipulation: clear creocc discard moveocc remocc setocc sort // Miscellaneous entity-level I/O: findkey lookup retrieve/o selectdb sql // Data validation: validate validatefield validatekey validateocc // Data manipulation at field, variable, and function level: addmonths compare file_dump file_load length lowercase reset scan set uppercase // List processing: delitem getitem getlistitems putitem putlistitems sort/list // Screen interaction and appearance: askmess clrmess curocc_video display edit field_syntax field_video message pulldown putmess refresh // Web interaction: webgen webget // Printing: eject print print_break skip // Process flow: activate apexit apstart break delete_instance done end goto new_instance perform repeat run selectcase setformfocus spawn if else elseif endif call return exit while endwhile selectcase case elsecase endselectcase pragma // Intercomponent communication: postmessage sendmessage // Miscellaneous: blockdata debug entry filebox macro nodebug numgen numset operation pragma params endparams variables endvariables filedump fileload StringBegChar: " StringEndChar: " MultilineStrings: 1 UsePreprocessor: 1 CurrLineHighlighted: 0 SpaceCol: clWindowText clWindow Keyword1Col: clNavy clWindow B Keyword2Col: clBlue clWindow B Keyword3Col: clBlack clWindow B IdentifierCol: clWindowText clWindow CommentCol: clGreen clWindow I NumberCol: clRed clWindow StringCol: clMaroon clWindow SymbolCol: clBlack clWindow PreprocessorCol: clBlue $20FFFF SelectionCol: clWhite clNavy CurrentLineCol: clBlack clYellow OverrideTxtFgColor: 0 BlockAutoindent: 0 BlockBegStr: BlockEndStr: