////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ColdFusion highlighter by Marko 'Paranoid' Crnic // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Language: ColdFusion Filter: ColdFusion files (*.cfm)|*.cfm HelpFile: CaseSensitive: 0 LineComment: BlockCommentBeg: IdentifierBegChars: a..z A..Z IdentifierChars: a..z A..Z -_. 0..9 NumConstBegChars: 0..9 NumConstChars: 0..9 EscapeChar: // tags KeyWords1: a b body br cfabort cfapplet cfapplication cfassociate cfauthenticate cfbreak cfcache cfcol cfcollection cfcontent cfcookie cfdirectory cferror cfexit cffile cfform cfftp cfgrid cfgridcolumn cfgridrow cfgridupdate cfheader cfhtmlhead cfhttp cfhttpparam cfif cfelseif cfelse cfinclude cfindex cfinput cfinsert cfldap cflocation cflock cfloop cfmail cfmodule cfobject cfoutput cfparam cfpop cfprocparam cfprocresult cfquery cfregistry cfreport cfschedule cfscript cfsearch cfselect cfset cfsetting cfslider cfstoredproc cfswitch cfcase cfdefaultcase cftable cftextinput cfthrow cftransaction cftree cftreeitem cftry cfcatch cfupdate cfwddx form head html input link meta pre script style table tr td th title textarea // attributes KeyWords2: accept action addnewline addtoken agentname align appendkey applicationtimeout attachmentpath attributecollection attributes basetag bgcolor blockfactor body bold border branch cachedafter cachedwithin cc cfsqltype checked class clientmanagement clientstorage colheaderalign colheaderbold colheaderfont colheaderfontsize colheaderitalic colheaders collection colspacing columns completepath connection context criteria custom1 custom2 data dataalign datacollection datasource dbname dbserver dbtype dbvarname debug default delete deletebutton deletefile delimiter destination detail directory display dn domain enablecab enablecfoutputonly enctype enddate endtime entry errorcode expand expires expireurl expression extendedinfo extensions external file filefield filter font fontsize formfields formula from grid griddataalign gridlines groovecolor group header headeralign headerbold headerfont headerfontsize headeritalic headerlines height highlighthref href hrefkey hscroll hspace htmltable img imgopen imgstyle index input insert insertbutton interval isolation italic key keyonly label language mailerid mailto maxlength maxrows message messagenumber method mimeattach mode multiple name namecomplict newdirectory notsupported null numberformat onerror onsubmit onvalidate operation orderby output parrent passthrough password path picturebar port procedure protocol provider providerdsn proxybypass proxyserver publish query queryasroot range recurse rel refreshlabel report requesttimeout required reset resoleurl resultset retrycount returncode rowheaderalign rowheaderbold rowheaderfont rowheaderfontsize rowheaderitalic rowheaders rowheaderwidth rowheight scale scope secure securitycontext select selectcolor selected selectmode server sessionmanagement sessiontimeout setclientcookies setcookie showdebugoutput showerror size sort sortascendingbutton sortdescendingbutton source sql start startdate startrow starttime step stoponerror subject tablename tableowner tablequalifier target task template text textcolor textqualifier throwonfailure throwontimeout timeout title to toplevelvariable type url urlpath username usetimezoneinfo validate value variable vscroll vspace width frameset frame noframes center p // functions & other KeyWords3: Abs ArrayAppend ArrayAvg ArrayClear ArrayDeleteAt ArrayInsertAt ArrayIsEmpty ArrayLen ArrayMax ArrayMin ArrayNew ArrayPrepend ArrayResize ArraySet ArraySort ArraySum ArraySwap ArrayToList Asc Atn BitAnd BitMaskClear BitMaskRead BitMaskSet BitNot BitOr BitSHLN BitSHRN BitXor CJustify Ceiling Chr Compare CompareNoCase Cos CreateDate CreateDateTime CreateODBCDate CreateODBCDateTime CreateODBCTime CreateTime CreateTimeSpan DE DateAdd DateCompare DateDiff DateFormat DatePart Day DayOfWeek DayOfWeekAsString DayOfYear DaysInMonth DaysInYear DecimalFormat DecrementValue Decrypt DeleteClientVariable DirectoryExists DollarFormat Encrypt Evaluate Exp ExpandPath FileExists Find FindNoCase FindOneOf FirstDayOfMonth Fix FormatBaseN GetBaseTagData GetBaseTagList GetClientVariablesList GetDirectoryFromPath GetFileFromPath GetLocale GetTempDirectory GetTempFile GetTemplatePath GetTickCount GetToken HTMLCodeFormat HTMLEditFormat Hour IIf IncrementValue InputBaseN Insert Int IsArray IsAuthenticated IsAuthorized IsBoolean IsDate IsDebugMode IsDefined IsLeapYear IsNumeric IsNumericDate IsQuery IsSimpleValue IsStruct LCase LJustify LSCurrencyFormat LSDateFormat LSIsCurrency LSIsDate LSIsNumeric LSNumberFormat LSParseCurrency LSParseDateTime LSParseNumber LSTimeFormat LTrim Left Len ListAppend ListChangeDelims ListContains ListContainsNoCase ListDeleteAt ListFind ListFindNoCase ListFirst ListGetAt ListInsertAt ListLast ListLen ListPrepend ListRest ListSetAt ListToArray Log Log10 Max Mid Min Minute Month MonthAsString Now NumberFormat ParagraphFormat ParameterExists ParseDateTime Pi PreserveSingleQuotes Quarter QueryAddRow QueryNew QuerySetCell QuotedValueList REFind REFindNoCase REReplace REReplaceNoCase RJustify RTrim Rand RandRange Randomize RemoveChars RepeatString Replace ReplaceList ReplaceNoCase Reverse Right Round Second SetLocale SetVariable Sgn Sin SpanExcluding SpanIncluding Sqr StripCR StructClear StructCopy StructCount StructDelete StructFind StructInsert StructIsEmpty StructKeyExists StructNew StructUpdate Tan TimeFormat Trim UCase URLEncodedFormat Val ValueList Week WriteOutput Year YesNoFormat not and or eq neq lt gt lte gte is content http-equiv rows framespacing frameborder marginwidth marginheight src noresize StringBegChar: " StringEndChar: " MultilineStrings: 1 UsePreprocessor: 0 CurrLineHighlighted: 1 SpaceCol: clWindowText clWindow Keyword1Col: $00C00000 clWindow Keyword2Col: $00C000C0 clWindow Keyword3Col: clGreen clWindow IdentifierCol: clWindowText clWindow CommentCol: clGray clWindow NumberCol: clRed clWindow StringCol: clMaroon clWindow SymbolCol: clGray clWindow PreprocessorCol: clBlue clWindow SelectionCol: clWhite clNavy CurrentLineCol: clBlack $00ECDABB