////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TKS (.tks) highlighter written by Bastian Spiegel, // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Language: TKS Filter: TKS files (*.tks)|*.tks HelpFile: // it actually is case sensitive except for the gl* calls CaseSensitive: 0 LineComment: // BlockCommentBeg: /* BlockCommentEnd: */ IdentifierBegChars: a..z A..Z _ IdentifierChars: a..z A..Z _ 0..9 NumConstBegChars: 0..9 NumConstChars: 0..9 abcdefx. EscapeChar: \ KeyWords1: if else for do while switch case break loop foreach of function module class return use new default Pointer define #define enum null deref Array int float String local tag bindkey unbindkey asm compile prepare clamp wrap true false __obj__ this KeyWords2: sin cos asin sqrt rnd frac round abs acos tan exp ln 2n winrect winsin win1x win1xs winsin2 wintri tcstring tcint tcfloat tcchar tcobject rgb argb vector stdflush stdout stderr dcon trace dtrace glAlphaFunc glArrayElement glBegin glBindTexture glBindTexture1d glBindTexture2d glBlendFunc glCallList glCullFace glClearColor glClear glClearDepth glClearStencil glColor3f glColor3ub glColor4f glColor4ub glColorABGR glColorARGB glColorBGR glColorRGB glColorMask glCopyPixels glCopyTexSubImage2D glCopyTexImage2D glDepthFunc glDepthMask glDisable glDisableCS glDrawArrays glDrawBuffer glEdgeFlag glEnable glEnableCS glEnd glFinish glFlush glFrontFace glFrustum glHint glLoadIdentity glLineLoop glLines glLineWidth glLineStipple glLineStrip glLogicOp glMatrixMode glNormal3f glOrtho glPointSize glPixelZoom glPoints glPolygon glPolygonMode glPopAttrib glPushAttrib glPopClientAttrib glPushClientAttrib glPopMatrix glPushMatrix glQuads glQuadStrip glRasterPos2i glRasterPos2f glRasterPos3f glReadBuffer glRectf glRotatef glScalef glScissor glShadeModel glStencilFunc glStencilOp glStencilMask glTexCoord1f glTexCoord2f glTexGeni glTranslatef glTriangles glVertex2i glVertex2f glVertex3f glViewport KeyWords3: halt bra sfcmp sicmp sitestz sitestzp bsr rts siloop swaps pushstf popstf pushlv poplv pushv popv pushc sinot siinv sineg siquad sitestbz sitestbz2 sfneg sfquad sfsin sfcos sftan sfatan2 sfsqrt sirnd siabs sfabs sffrac sfround siand sior sieor simod siadd sisub siaddq1 siaddq2 siaddq3 siaddq4 siaddq5 siaddq6 siaddq7 siaddq8 sisubq1 sisubq2 sisubq3 sisubq4 sisubq5 sisubq6 sisubq7 sisubq8 simul sidiv siasl siasr sicmpb sfadd sfsub sfmul sfdiv sfcmpb stcif stcif2 stcfi stcfi2 iasel fasel apush apushw apushb apush4b apushnextl apushnextw apushnextb apushnext4b apushl16 apushw16 apushb16 apush4b16 apopl apopw apopb apop4b apopnextl apopnextw apopnextb apopnext4b apopl16 apopw16 apopb16 apop4b16 apushl2 apushl3 apush4 pushlivinc pushincliv pushlivdec pushdecliv pushivinc pushinciv pushivdec pushdeciv movlv movlvc movv movvc livandliv livorliv liveorliv livmodliv livaddliv livsubliv livmulliv livdivliv pushlivandliv pushlivorliv pushliveorliv pushlivmodliv pushlivaddliv pushlivsubliv pushlivmulliv pushlivdivliv pushlivandc pushlivorc pushliveorc pushlivmodc pushlivaddc pushlivsubc pushlivmulc pushlivdivc lfvaddlfv lfvsublfv lfvmullfv lfvdivlfv pushlfvaddlfv pushlfvsublfv pushlfvmullfv pushlfvdivlfv pushlfvaddc pushlfvsubc pushlfvmulc pushlfvdivc livandc livorc liveorc livmodc livaddc livsubc livmulc livdivc livaslc livasrc lfvaddc lfvsubc lfvmulc lfvdivc sipush0 sipush1 sipush2 sipush3 sipop Application AudioGenerator AudioMixer AudioMixerChannel AudioSample Buffer Caps ClampedFloat ClassArray Color Configuration DampedFloat DisplayList EditableMesh Envelope File Float FloatArray FMusicXM Font ForcePoint FPS GLLight GLMatrix GLPrim GLState HashTable IntArray Integer IPAddress IVector Joystick Key Language Math Matrix Mesh MeshIndex MeshInstance MeshMaterial MeshTriangle Modulator ModulatorFactory Mouse MouseRegions Mutex MySQLConnection MySQLRow Network NetworkBuffer ObjectArray PaintDevice ParticleSystem PointerArray Pool SamplePlayer Scene3DS SceneGraph SceneNode Sprite SpriteCon Stack Stream String StringArray StringIterator TCPSocket Texture TextureModBlur TextureModColor TextureModMovetable TextureModPrim TextureModTransform Thread Time Triangle UDPPacket UDPSocket Vector Vector4 VectorArray Viewport WrappedFloat StringBegChar: " StringEndChar: " MultilineStrings: 0 UsePreprocessor: 1 CurrLineHighlighted: 0 SpaceCol: clWindowText clWindow Keyword1Col: clBlack clWindow B Keyword2Col: $00C00000 clWindow Keyword3Col: $00404000 clWindow IdentifierCol: clWindowText clWindow CommentCol: clGray clWindow I NumberCol: $000000C0 clWindow StringCol: clRed clWindow SymbolCol: $00004000 clWindow PreprocessorCol: clNavy clWindow SelectionCol: clWhite clNavy CurrentLineCol: clBlack clYellow OverrideTxtFgColor: 0 BlockAutoindent: 0 BlockBegStr: BlockEndStr: MatchedBracesCol: clWindowText clWindow