ConTEXT Editor is a very useful text editor that comes with a great number of developer-friendly features. Thanks to its intuitive interface, this software can be used by both aspiring and professional software developers. Read the full review at apkmonk.

Among thousands of e-mails, We have selected a few to let you know what other users says about ConTEXT.


We want congratulate with all programmer of ConTEXT for made this awesome software. We use this software every day for coding website and our Content Managment System. Our business is quality and time to working, this software reflects this and we like it 🙂


Whao!!!!! This editor is getting cooler and cooler by the day. This product is definitely outstanding! People are going to hear about it.


Wow! This is a great freeware text editor: it runs fast, it doesn’t crash, it does all the standard things just as one might expect; and it even does column blocks and keystroke macros! Thank you very much for writing a terrific program!

Mike Hashii

I have been using ConTEXT exclusively for over 12 months and find it to be one of the best editors i’ve ever seen.

James Brindle

I have downloaded ConTEXT a couple of weeks ago and I am now using it daily in developing software for Psion computers (in-house software for WorkAbout and HC : Topographical Applications). My experience so far is that the program does exactly what is needed for the job at hand. Thanks a lot for writing it and making it available for free.

Guido Rooms

I just wanted to send an e-mail to show my appreciation. Your ConTEXT editor just rules! When I saw it for the first time last week, I immediately scrapped the other editing programs. This is the first time ever I’m sending an e-mail to an author of a program, but the quality of your program is just great!

Mika Kulmala

Firstly, I want to say thank you. You created such a wonderful program which has a lot of functions. I really love it, and I use it for editing text, html… Just everything. Thanks a lot!!!


Just for the record. We are a team of 5 developers and all are hooked on to ConTEXT.

Manan Patel

First let me say how much I love your program it is awesome. I also just wanted to say that I hope you never forget the reason that ConTEXT exists. You wanted to write a nice editor for yourself, not for all the people out there who just are never satisfied with anything. Please don’ t ever lose sight of this because I hope that ConTEXT will never end up like these other editors out there that are trying to make too many people happy and end up ruining their program by turning it into a word processor as well as an editor. I love your program, keep up the good work. Thanks again.

John Flynn

I downloaded your ConTEXT editor yesterday and I enjoy using it allot. I havve been on the lookout for a replacement for PFE for years, and think I have found a decent replacement.

Ian Quigley

I really like your ConTEXT product and am now using it exclusively for code editing (html/perl/java etc).

Mark Newton

I have been using ConTEXT for about 6 months. I really, really like this freeware! I use it primarily for VB Script, but for C/ C++ as well as reading text files. I don’t know how you find time to maintain a freeware product, but I certainly appreciate your efforts. Thanks!

Sammy Porras

Thank you for the BEST Windows Editor!

Marc Noirot

Hi.. just want to say that ConTEXT rocks !! Keep up the good work. This is by no doubt the best freeware editor I have ever used.

Iman Habib

About time somebody made a freeware text editor that works.

Michael Gade

I find ConTEXT better than any text editor I could find at for me! Thank you very much for making and keep on supporting, upgrading this fantastic software! 🙂

Sean Lee

Your ConTEXT editor is excellent. I looked at many editor but what I really wanted was a small, fast version of Delphi’s editor with better macro facilities.

Praful Kapadia

First I’d just like to thank you for saving me from years of notepad and Pfe, ConTEXT is a wonderful program!


ConTEXT Editor is fast, reliable, and free. We use it every day to code our Android App Store, offering direct download of apps.

-Avi, founder of Apkgrabber


I just downloaded your editor and so far I think it is great. I’m just starting to get into Perl and PHP programming and this program is just what I was looking for in an editor. So first off, thanks for making such a great program.

Michael Jordan

I’ve been looking for a while for a good text editor for programming (c++ and python) and opening large text files. Yours is great! It has just the right balance of features and simplicity. I’m looking forward to see the new versions. Thanks for a great product (and for free)!

Luis Apiolaza

Thought I’d drop you a line to thank you for distributing ConTEXT. I’ve tried several editors looking for a replacement for PFE, but yours is the only one which can load big (16Meg plus) files properly, and it has macro support and a whole lot more. Great program, thanks.

Andy West

I am a simple student that use your editor given free through internet. I want to thank you for your glad gift given free.

Privi Bros

I’ve just finished a comparison of 8 shareware/freeware code editors and yours has risen to the top of the list for me. Jumpsec is a data optimisation and software company.

Philip Wallstedt

Just wanted to drop you a mail telling you that I like ConTEXT very much. Your website is also pretty nice. Since I cannot make graphics myself – I am seeking for a small “made with ConTEXT” button to put on my webpages.

Bjarne Lundgren

What can I say about ConTEXT? It is wonderful! Thanks for give us an excellent software. I would pay for it.

Jorge Ortis

Great program!! One of the few that makes programming on a PC a semi-reasonable attempt, without buying expensive tools.

Scott J. Goldstein

I have found your text editor and it looks really good! So I want to tell you THANK YOU!

Milan Kosina

I have been developing software for about 8 years now and I too have gotten tired of expensive editors that still have tons of bugs in them. I was getting ready to write my own editor in my spare time because I had searched through several freeware editors that were out there and could not find one to fit my needs. Happily I found ConTEXT. I really like the work you have done. It’s great!

Mark Edson

I found ConTEXT very useful as a programming tool and would like to use it for the my school.

Jeson Tan

I’m delighted with ConTEXT! For the past couple of weeks, as I work on ASP scripts, I was using a Plain Old Text Editor. Then I found ConTEXT, and life is MUCH better! It is smooth, fast, and capable. You’ve put a lot of work into this, and it shows.

Graham Stratford

I’ve been using ConTEXT for a while now, and I think it’s a very superior product; far better than any of the other freeware (or even most shareware) editors that I’ve seen around. It’s really sad to see people using Textpad or pfe or some other faint editor, when ConTEXT is available!!

Dan Miller

It is my favorite text editor. I use it for Perl, C, C++, HTML, SQL, and even to edit some VB files. Thanks for the great tool.

James Drabb

Today I have downloaded ConTEXT and I must say that it looks and operates very good. It is fast and it is not bloated with lots of functionality that will not be used anyway. My first reactions are very positive. Thanks for this great product.

L.L. Ceder

I am using your ConTEXT application for a while now and I like its compactness and speed.

Rudolf Mouthaan

I really like your ConTEXT program. I’ve tried many editors and found yours to be the best of them all.

Dan Daffer

Hello, great program, use it everyday Your gaining on UEdit32, hope yours always stays freeware.

Tomas Stout

Thank you for your very nice editor.

Bob Shulze

Samuel Brassard It’s an awesome freeware that you did there! I tried a couple of other text editing programs, but they all had registration requests and/or advertising. People shall make more freeware like yours, really 🙂

Samuel Brassard

THANK YOU for the excellent Programmer’s Editor.

Paul Brasseur

ConTEXT is beautiful. First, I want to let you know that among all the programming editors that I tested, ConTEXT is the one that I retained, for it is well customizable.

Frederic Besnard

I took me (literally) months to find a free programmer’s editor as good as yours, I really like ConTEXT. Keep up the good work!!!

Kevin Chong

Capital Bean offers funding for individuals and businesses

It’s a totally awesome freeware text editor.

Linus Sarnhult

I’ve been using ConTEXT for awhile recently, and am very happy with it… it’s FAST, and unlike my old file viewer (PFE), it supports syntax highlighting!! Thank you!!

Daniel Miller

First, I want to compliment you on an outstanding editor. I love this program.

Jeff Owen

I just had a look at your text editor and I am quite impressed. Anyway good work, this is the best text editor I have found.

Adam Gates

You have made a very good text editor, especially suited for programmer’s editor.

Joey F. Rodil

I have seen your ConTEXT editor and I must say it’s a real great program.

Niels Heitmann

Congratulations and thanks for your ConTEXT editor. I think it is a great piece of software.

Dr. Fatihcan M. Atay

Looks good. I think I’ll make it my default editor for BCC55.

Rudy Velthuis

I liked your editor, because all other editors were to bloated. Wanted a small editor like notepad , not to many options. Just syntax highlighting, opening multiple files and search and replace and that’s all. And most of all freeware. Thanks!!!!

Geert Theys

Very fine thing. Some years ago, i used old dos qedit. After this i didn’t find something like this for win. Now i have.

Armin Hoppe

I must say I am very impressed by it. Once again, thank you for such a great program!



Firstly thanks so much for making your great editor free.

Geoff. Warburton

It’s great and fast to load on my old pentium 100.


Bertrand Latinville