How To Redirect To Another Page In HTML

How to Create a Redirect Link in HTML Creating a redirect link in HTML is a simple process. To begin, open the HTML document you wish to add the redirect link to and locate the section of code where you would like to place it. Once located, add the following code: Replace “” with the URL of your desired destination page and “Redirect Link” with whatever text you would like displayed for your link (this... Read More »
How To Redirect From One Page To Another In HTML On Button Click

How to Create a Redirect Button in HTML Creating a redirect button in HTML is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. To begin, open the HTML document you wish to add the button to and locate the tag. Inside this tag, create an input element with type=”button” and value=”Redirect”. This will create the visible button on your page. Next, add an onclick attribute to this element with a JavaScript... Read More »