How to Use the HR Tag to Add Horizontal Lines in HTML

The HR tag is an HTML element used to create a horizontal line across the page. It is useful for visually separating sections of content, such as in a blog post or article. This tag does not require any attributes and can be used simply by adding the opening and closing tags to your HTML document.

When using the HR tag, it is important to remember that it should only be used for visual separation of content and should not be used as a substitute for proper semantic markup. For example, if you are creating headings or subheadings within your document, use the appropriate heading tags instead of relying on horizontal lines alone.

To add a horizontal line with the HR tag, simply insert an opening and closing tag into your HTML document wherever you would like to place it:

<hr />

This will create a basic horizontal line across the page that spans from one side of the browser window to another. If you would like more control over how this line appears on your page, there are several attributes available which can be added to customize its appearance:

size=”n” – Sets the height (in pixels) of the line;

width=”n%” – Sets how wide (in percentage) this line will span;

align=”left/right/center” – Aligns this line either left, right or center;

color=”#hexcode” – Sets what color this line will appear in (using hexadecimal codes).

For example:

<hr align="center" size="3" width="50%" />

This code would create a 3 pixel high line that spans 50% across its container element and is centered within it.

How to Create a Vertical Line in HTML with the DIV tag

Creating a vertical line in HTML with the DIV tag is a simple process. First, create an empty DIV element in your HTML document. Then, add the following style attributes to the element:

• width: 1px;
• height: 100%;
• background-color: #000000; (or any other color of your choice).

The width attribute sets the width of the line to one pixel, while the height attribute sets it to fill up 100% of its parent container. The background-color attribute sets its color. Finally, you can add additional styling attributes such as border-radius and margin if desired. Once these attributes are set, you will have created a vertical line in HTML with the DIV tag.

How to Add a Dashed Line Separator in HTML

Adding a dashed line separator in HTML is a simple process. To do this, you will need to use the HR tag. This tag stands for horizontal rule and it creates a line across the page. You can customize the look of your line by adding attributes to the HR tag.

The most common attribute used to create a dashed line is “style”. The style attribute allows you to specify how your horizontal rule should look, including its color, width, and type of dash pattern used. To create a dashed line separator, you would add this code:

<hr style="border-top: 2px dashed #8c8b8b;" />

This code will create a two pixel wide dashed line with gray color (#8c8b8b). You can adjust these values as needed for your project.

Using CSS Borders for Stylish Lines and Separators in HTML

CSS borders are a powerful tool for adding stylish lines and separators to HTML documents. They can be used to create visual interest, separate sections of content, or add emphasis to certain elements. CSS borders are easy to use and customize, allowing web developers to create unique designs with minimal effort.

To add a border around an element in HTML, the “border” property is used. This property takes several values that define the style of the border: its width, color, and type (solid line, dashed line, etc..). For example:

div {
    border: 2px solid #000000;

This code will add a two-pixel wide black solid line around any DIV element on the page. The color of the border can be changed by replacing #000000 with another hexadecimal color code. The width can also be adjusted by changing “2px” to another value (in pixels). Additionally, different types of lines can be created by changing “solid” to one of several other values such as “dashed” or “double”.

In addition to creating borders around elements in HTML documents, CSS also allows developers to create separators between sections of content using pseudo-elements such as ::before and ::after. These pseudo-elements allow developers to insert content before or after an element without actually adding any extra markup in their HTML document. For example:

section::before {
    content:""; /* Inserts empty space */
    display:block; /* Makes sure it's visible */
    width:100%; /* Fills up entire row */
    height:2px; /* Sets height for line */
    background:#000; /* Sets color for line */

This code will insert a two-pixel high black line above every SECTION element on the page without requiring any extra markup in your HTML document. As with regular borders around elements this code can easily be customized by changing values such as background (#000) and height (2px).

Pseudo-elements like these are especially useful when creating complex layouts where it would otherwise require lots of extra markup just for styling purposes. In conclusion, CSS borders are an incredibly powerful tool for adding stylish lines and separators into your HTML documents quickly and easily without requiring additional markup or complicated coding techniques


Q1: How do I add a line in HTML?
A1: To add a line in HTML, you can use the HR tag. This tag creates a horizontal line across the page.

Q2: How do I change the color of my lines in HTML?
A2: To change the color of your lines in HTML, you can use CSS styling. For example, if you want to make your horizontal rule red, you would add style=”color:#FF0000″ to your HR tag like this:

<hr style="color: #ff0000;" />

Q3: Can I make my lines thicker or thinner?
A3: Yes! You can adjust the thickness and width of your lines by using CSS styling with either the HR or DIV tags. For example, if you want to make your horizontal rule thicker than normal, you would add style=”width:5px” to your HR tag like this:

<hr style="width: 5px;" />

Q4: Is there any way to draw diagonal lines with HTML?
A4: Unfortunately no – it is not possible to draw diagonal lines with just HTML code. However, it is possible to achieve this effect using images or SVG graphics instead.